martes, 24 de junio de 2014

Healthy Life

 Our Healthy Life Journey

 In this page you will find our current situation about the way we eat and the way we work out and also our goals to get a better lifestyle.

Natalia Sepúlveda:
  • Current Situation:
- At the moment I eat a lot of fruits as a dessert, specially tangerines which are really juicy.
- At lunch time I eat some salad because I do not like it very much.
- At dinner I eat fast food because it is easier to prepare and it is delicious.
- I do not do very much sports, I just ride my bike to the university once a month.
- Finally, I really like to watch football matches but I do not practice it because I am lazy.

  • Goals:
- During this week I will eat another fruit instead of tangerine, such as bananas.
- At lunch time I will try to eat more salad.
- At dinner I will let the fast food out and I will replace it for fruits or vegetables.
- I will try to ride my bike at least twice a week during this year.
- Finally, I will try to practice one sport that I like, for instance tennis.

Isaac Opazo:
  • Current Situation:
- At breakfast I usually eat a lot of french fries with meat.
- At lunch I eat some hamburgers which are my favourite food.
- At dinner I do not drink tea nor coffee, instead I drink a lot of milkshakes.
- I play basketball once a week.
- At the end of the day I eat a few cookies with a bottle of milk.

  • Goals:
- At breakfast I will try to eat fruits instead of french fries with meat.
- At lunch I will eat some vegetables with my hamburger and I will also try to eat fruit as a dessert.
- At dinner I will drink some natural juice to replace the milkshakes.
- I will play basketball twice a week.
- At the end of the day I will drink 3 glasses of water so I do not eat cookies nor milk.

Romina Navarrete:
  • Current Situation:
- I like to eat lots of vegetables and fruits, specially cellery.
- At lunch I do not eat anything but salad which is my favorite food.
- At dinner I like to eat a mixture of fruits because it taste amazing.
- I do not do sports very often because I do not have much time for them.
- During break times I like to eat a bag of chips or some candies.

  • Goals:
- I will try to eat other kinds of vegetables, not only cellery.
- At lunch I will eat salad but with a piece of meat.
- At dinner I will keep eating the mixture of fruits.
- I will try to find some time in order to practice a sport I like.
- During break times I will replace the bag of chips and the candies for a bottle of water.

Welcome! :DDDD

this is our blog. it was made by Natalia Sepulveda,Romina Navarrete and Isaac Opazo 

Here you can find some pictures related with our personalities 

This picture shows everything I love ! 

I love music because it helps me to relax